Monday 5 January 2015

Day 4 - Top Tip! How to prevent applique from wrinkling when using iron on fusing.

There is nothing more frustrating than taking the time to measure twice, cut once before you reach for the scissors only to find when it comes to the part where you have to iron your project that that the iron has wrinkled the fabric and undone all of your good work.

This is something that I found particularly annoying when I was trying to iron the names onto personalised items with iron on fusing paper before I stitched them in place. I'd line up the names perfectly on my ironing board and then when I pressed the hot iron down they would move or wrinkle.

I though about why this kept happening and realised that the padding on my ironing board made the ironing board too soft, and has too much give in it to keep everything lined up perfectly.

I decided to make my own ironing board just for my sewing projects. I knew that I wanted something not too big that I could easily pick up and move, and also to store without it getting in the way.

I used a block of wood (its a wooden chopping board from Sainburys actually). I wanted to cover it in fabric so that a) it didn't just look like a boring old block of wood, and b) that I could easily remove and wash if needed (I'm not the neatest when it comes to fusible webbing).

I had an off cut of some gorgeous Prestigious fabric that I though would be perfect for this so I set about making my ironing block its lovely new cover....I'm pretty pleased with the result even if I do say so myself.....

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