Friday 9 January 2015

Day 6 - No Sew Memo Board Tutorial

Step by Step Instructions to make this lovely memo board...

You will need:

  • Foam board. This can be any size. In this tutorial mine is A2 size
  • Wadding that is 1 inch bigger on each side than your foam board
  • Fabric that is 2 inches bigger on each side than your foam board 
  • Double sided sticky tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Ribbon - I use 4 metres for my A2 board
  • Pins
  • 5 Brads
  • Bradle or small pair of sharp scissors
  • Curtain lining cut just a centimetre on each edge smaller than your foam board. 

Start by using double sided tape stick the wadding to the foam board.
This only needs tape in a few places as it's just to make sure that the wadding doesn't move around too much.

Cut the corners diagonally across the wadding so that it doesn't bulk out the corners when we fold it over

Lay your fabric face down and place your foam board (wadding down) onto the centre of your fabric

Tip - make sure you have ironed your fabric. If you haven't you will end up with a wrinkly memo board.

Heat up your glue gun and glue your overlapped fabric to the back of your foam board. Take care when you get to the corners. I've found the best way to deal with the corners is to fold one edge under the other and make a pleat.

Once you have glued the fabric onto the board flip the board over and measure two pieces of ribbon which will go diagonally across the board in an X shape. Make sure you leave enough at each end to attach it to the back of the board. Use pins to pin this in place.

Then measure the middle of each side and attach four pieces of ribbon in a diamond shape and secure the ribbon in place with pins. You should have something that looks like this...

Flip the board over and glue the ribbons in place on the back of the board 

Once the glue has dried remove the pins and flip the board back over. 

Where each of the ribbons cross you will need to use the Bradle to punch a hole for the brads to be pushed through. 

Now use the remaining piece of ribbon to make a handle to hang the board from. Attach in the same way as the other ribbons using pins to secure in place then glue them down. I usually place mine one third in from each end of the edge I want to be the  top edge.

Finally, place the lining fabric onto the back of the board to cover up all of the raw edges and glue it in place. 

Here are a few of the boards I have already made. 

If you don't fancy trying it yourself and wanted to purchase one of mine prices start from £7.50 (plus P&P) for A3 size. If you would like one please send me an email to 

You can see my other items on my Facebook page The Pink Gerbera by clicking here


  1. Great tutorial..... I love how-tos like this. I'm going to make one of these for my workroom :)

  2. Thank Sandra - I'd love to see a picture when you've made it?
